laugardagur, maí 28, 2005

Af MSN; partur III

Ég velti alvarlega fyrir mér hvort ég ætti að pósta þessu, þar sem ég er ekki viss hvort það sé einhver sem nenni að lesa meira af froðufellingum okkar Dodda.

Þá mundi ég eftir því að ég skil ekki af hverju nokkur les nokkuð hérna, og ákvað, what the hell.

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Vox populi: Heyrðu, Þórarinn. Bloggaðu einhverntíman. :P
Doddi: hoho
Doddi: mayhap
Vox populi: I anxiously await thy musings of etiquette.
Doddi: I have no use for meaningless concepts such as etiquette!
Doddi: Light, love and happiness are all that matters!
Doddi: Along with the occasional eating of dwarves
Vox populi: And tentacles?
Doddi: they isn't very tasty, are they, preciousss?
Doddi: so sayeth Yollum, spawn of Yoda and Gollum
Vox populi: :D

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Doddi: do as I tell thee
Doddi: so sayeth the Foe-Hammer!
Vox populi: Nay, I say. Thine is the voice of deliverance.
Doddi: Deliverance by requested redemption or holy purgation, it matters naught to me.
Vox populi: Nay, what matters to thee is drawn tenticles and their interaction with scantily clad schoolgirls!
Doddi: ha! Jestest thou?
Vox populi: Verily, I do.
Vox populi: Causes that thee mirth?
Doddi: It vexeth me somewhat, and doth worry allwhat.
Doddi: Thine spirit decayeth, fiend!
Vox populi: Ah. I do ask that thine majestical figure doth forgive this amiable servant.
Doddi: Thou art forgiven, peon. Know thee that thine life hath been spared from holy laseration by the Foe-Hammer!
Vox populi: Oh, forever is this pious figure indebted to thee!
Doddi: Enough of this! I have not lowered mineself to this abismal channel of converation to recieve a peltation of mewling adoration from puny mortals!
Doddi: So sayeth the Foe-Hammer.
Vox populi: Verily, thine lowering doth render all the earth soundless!

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Doddi: Ghazgradoldious Kangaxx needeth no Danish! His is the gurgle of retorted splatterbarf.

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Vox populi: Yea - the spirit of my life lies extinguished, and all the vagaries of life dance before a dark curtain that has been drawn to hide the hopes beyond.
Vox populi: The shadows of which seem like light in the lightlessness of the world...
Doddi: Hum... Dark are these tellings of yours. I can tell thee naught but to engage in wild partygoing and sodomical sex with donkeys

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Doddi: Þossi?
Doddi: Smegmatron of the outer steppes!
Doddi: Plasmodious bumblebee!
Doddi: dimm þögn.
Doddi: ...
Doddi: ...
Doddi: is....
Doddi: is god...
Doddi: ....dead?
Vox populi: No, he lives.
Doddi: Praise the Lord!
Vox populi: Praise him with great praise!
Doddi: [leggst á grúfu]
Doddi: and there was great rejoicing.

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Vox populi: Málfræðin er sem lögmál alheimsins fyrir mér, skrifuð í stjörnurnar.
Doddi: jújú
Doddi: þessvegna eru tungumálapróf höfð að degi til
Vox populi: :D:D

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Vox populi: *ýtir mosavöxnum, drjúpandi vörum sínum að talopi Þórarins*
Doddi: eeeuuuurrrghhh!!!!
Vox populi: Ah, but enough cyberporn for now. :D
Doddi: refrain from such pericombobulabratory indiscrimination in the future, blasphemer!
Vox populi: Bah! Deny not the physical longing thou hath for mine loins!
Vox populi: :D
Vox populi: ...sometimes I disgust even myself. :D

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Vox populi: Við þurfum einhverntiman að taka okkur til og skrifa eitt heljarinnar rit í þessum stíl okkar...
Vox populi: Hvað sem við getum kallað hann.
Vox populi: 'And the gelatious transslimety Blargzhagarg did travel from the deeps of the earth, and threaten the Astro-Midget's kingdom!
Vox populi: Búa til myndasöguseríu. :D
Doddi: Trelliohurglotron the wise, trelliohurglotron the fierce. Verily, 'twas spaken amongst the peoples of the Glebe that many a pit-beast was impaled upon his stalagmatron.
Vox populi: :D
Vox populi: Indeed.
Doddi: hoho
Doddi: ahh... stalagmatron
Doddi: ég sit hér og hlæ eins og fáviti

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Vox populi: Verily, my thoughts stray to physical violence with defecation deliverance facilities!
Doddi: Fecal recepticle.

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Vox populi: Ghazg?
Vox populi: Ghazg. :(
Doddi: ghazg
Vox populi: Ghazg! :D
Doddi: Ghazg. Blahzu-hagratlatokk?
Vox populi: Hizkriznakarch, rudz-malzorg, ghazg?
Doddi: Hugljáúk, sukl lumratrokuluk blaztrazok.
Vox populi: Ôniirazchringit, ponrachirzumxantingox?
Doddi: Khazg. Khazg-ib-ilthroblorgotron, ib balthroblorgotron, krimpkrantrokkþ.
Vox populi: Khazg? Drittiruluzcge, li-ignirozog!
Doddi: Hohoho, krakk, krakk. Uk, potrpozkazrakat, tralkrohappatatt. Shint, shint bluztrolop.
Vox populi: Izg uk ghazg?
Doddi: Izg.
Vox populi: Krizori lud-zoericxhi!
Doddi: Mmmm... [klórar í einu höfði sínu með svartri kló] kurtulmatak, lud-zoericxhio, erkratrokk zu-kurtulmatak.
Doddi: sonn-sonn, marklatorkoblod. [stígur ofan á skinfót nærliggjandi gelskrýmsls]
Vox populi: Lozgh! Lozgh lud-igirir!
Vox populi: *stekkur ákaft upp og niður og hrínir*
Doddi: Hzog Hzog Hzog! [útgáfa þver-plasmódísks djöfuls af gáskafullum hlátri]
Doddi: Huk! [þýðir: Doddi þarf að borða snúð, hvern móðir mín færði mér af kostgæfni og föðurlandsást, hver er þakin súkkulaði, hverju bakarinn smurði af kostgæfni, hvert var framleitt í belgíu, og kem svo aftur á MSN.]
Vox populi: Ghazg.

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Doddi: húah!
Vox populi: :-O Yfir mér stendur gelskrýmsl, slímugt og óviðrandi á hvern veg!
Doddi: Yfir þér stendur skrílsygglt Fönktröll, þvingað til niðurkoðnunar í stað útflengingar líkamsparta!
Vox populi: Og það opnar ginið og úr fúlum kjafti þess spýr það eitraðri sýru auk gass!
Vox populi: Ó, hryllingurinn!

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Doddi: well, spank my ass and call me a bitch, I certainly am in a pleasant mood!
Vox populi: Can I?
Vox populi: Spank?
Vox populi: Your ass?
Vox populi: And call you bitch?
Vox populi: Please?
Vox populi: :)
Doddi: mine golden buttocks are not spankible to any mortal peon, thou churlish lout!

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Vox populi: Ghazg!
Doddi: Ghazg.
Vox populi: Dichotomy of dreams!
Vox populi: Dice thrown by the tyrannous stars rule the fates of lepers!
Doddi: Sanctimonious spifflitrator, unspoken of by the Ancients! Mover of the Firmament! Instigator of gleeful melancho-spasms!
Vox populi: Exvertor of atoms! Wafer of spacetime!
Doddi: And a damn fine lad too!
Vox populi: Yes, I do say.
Doddi: :D
Doddi: þessi var nú nokkuð góður
Vox populi: Hvur?
Doddi: nei, bara þessi syrpa, og síðan lokuðum við magnaðri lýsingu á "and a damn fine lad too!" "I do say."
Vox populi: :P Yes, this thing will be blogged in the future. :D

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Hmmm. Ég er nokkuð viss um að þetta er hætt að vera fyndið fyrir flesta, svo að ég lofa að lengra muni líða þangað til partur IV kemur...